\\1,3\Scientists today are worried about frogs. Frogs are VANISHING from many parts of the world, and no one knows why. In South America, for example, the golden tree frog is almost entirely gone. The disappearance of frogs may be an early sign that nature is in trouble. entirely gone disappearance worried sign can help you understand what VANISHING means? \\1,4\Visits to the dentist are common today. Still, many of us DREAD them. Some people can't sleep the night before a dental appointment. They don't know how lucky they are. In the Middle Ages they would have had good reason to feel nervous. The dentist was the local barber! can't sleep feel nervous are common how lucky can help you understand what DREAD means? \\1,5\Can there be too much of a good thing? Ask some of the people who used to welcome Canada geese. The birds are now so ABUNDANT that they have become a problem. Their droppings make playgrounds, golf courses, and lawns filthy. In farm areas large numbers of geese do great harm to crops. Some communities want to trap them as food for the needy. much large numbers problem great harm can help you understand what ABUNDANT means? \\1,6\It is hard to imagine how VAST America is. It stretches 3,000 miles from the Atlantic to the Pacific and covers the entire middle of North America. Its rich and varied land ranges from beaches to glaciers, deserts to forests, prairies to mountains. Two of the 50 states do not even share a border with any other state. stretches 3,000 miles covers the entire middle of North America rich and varied from beaches to glaciers can help you understand what VAST means? \\1,7\Babies make sounds that are generally not INTELLIGIBLE. Perhaps their mothers know what they mean, but few others do. As children get older, they start to imitate the sounds used by the people around them. When these sounds can be understood as words, the child gains a powerful tool. It is called language. know what they mean can be understood a powerful tool language can help you understand what INTELLIGIBLE means? \\1,8\There are many causes of hearing loss, but they all have a common symptom: sound becomes less AUDIBLE. Medical science can help people with this problem. For many, a microphone in a tiny hearing aid amplifies sound so that it can be heard. For others, replacing a hardened bone with a wire can restore hearing. can be heard hearing science can help microphone can help you understand what AUDIBLE means?